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Section: New Results

Towards the development of FFT-accelerated flexible fitting methods

Participants : Alexandre Hoffmann, Valerie Perrier, Sergei Grudinin.

We studied a set of new methods for non-rigid molecular fitting. The problem can be formulated as follows : Let 𝒫1 and 𝒫2 be two molecular structures (e.g. proteins). We are given d1:3, the electron density of 𝒫1 and (Yk3)k=1Natoms, the average positions of the atoms of 𝒫2. Assuming we can generate an artificial electron density d2:3 from (Yk3)k=1Natoms, our problem is to find a transformation of the atoms T:3Natoms3Natoms that minimizes the L2 distance between d1 and d2.

In image processing, this problem is usually solved using the optimal transport theory, but this method assumes that both densities have the same L2 norm, which is not necessarily the case for the fitting problem. To solve this problem, one instead starts by splitting T into a rigid transformation Trigid (which is a combination of translation and rotation) and a flexible transformation Tflex. Two classes of methods have been developed to find Trigid :

We have developed several algorithms based on the FFT to find Trigid and we have developed two algorithms for flexible molecular fitting that are based on convex and non-convex optimization and the trust region methods. Our tests demonstrate that while one method gives good results for small deformations, the other gives good results for bigger deformations.

We have been also improving the current NMA method (which is essentially a model reduction technique), that is used in other tools such as the flexible fitting to small angle scattering profiles. Finally, we started the development of a method for a harder fitting/docking problem in which only electron density would be known. The basic idea would be to find the C1-diffeomorphism T:33 that minimizes the L2 distance between d1 and d2.

We developed several stand-alone C++ libraries to solve some of our problems including: